Capitol Extension

Much of the concrete in the plaza between the Capitol and Herschler Building has been removed and will be replaced with grass to create a park-like setting. Underneath this area is the Capitol Extension, which connects the Capitol and Herschler Building underground.

The roof of the existing tunnel had significant deterioration, replacing it created the opportunity to light the space with skylights and provide views of the Capitol dome above.

The expansion of the existing tunnel will extend under the Herschler Building almost to 26th Street. It is ideally located to accommodate many of the identified public needs and functions that are displaced from the Capitol, including public meeting rooms, a student learning center, a media center, and other public services. On the southern end of the extension are six large public meeting rooms, four that seat 75 and two that seat 100. Photo from December 2018.

Dirt covers the roof of the Capitol Expansion.

Before this project, the tunnel was approximately 28,000 square feet. The Capitol Extension project adds approximately 40,000 square feet to the existing tunnel by utilizing a conference room (Herschler B-63), the terraced area of the atrium, and the old central utility plant location. Photo from December 2018.